• Coordinate with the project’s civil engineer and traffic engineer throughout the development of concept site plans, site drawings, and planning submittals.
  • Provide phase I and phase II environmental consultation.
  • Act as liaison between the client and government agencies.
  • Schedule and attend pre-application meeting with necessary municipalities and provide summary to the client and design team.
  • Coordinate with architect on development of plans for building permit.
  • Order and distribute ALTA survey and soils testing to client and design team.
  • Participate in schematic call and ensure final schematic is sent to appropriate individuals.
  • Coordinate with the client’s sign company regarding sign design and sign permit.
  • Review building submittal package prior to submittal to ensure completeness.
  • Compile and submit plans required for additional jurisdictional permits such as environmental health and fire.
  • Deliver check set of plans to client and ensure municipalities’ comments have been addressed and incorporated.
  • Distribute construction drawings to client and general contractor.
  • Coordinate permit pick-up with municipality, general contractor, and/or client.